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Understanding the fixed assets

Verified registers contribute to the transparency of the fixed asset systems. Linking maintenance management systems with fixed asset systems makes it possible to better manage assets in the future.

A clean and transparent fixed asset register ensures that the company is less exposed to financial, tax and legal risks.


Troostwijk-Roux Expertises has extensive experience in verifying fixed asset registers for clients. During our FARR services, the asset management system is linked to the fixed assets system.

This allows, for example, for the identification of grouped assets with inconsistent descriptions on the balance sheet.



Troostwijk-Roux Expertises is an autonomous organisation that acts completely independently. This means that we look at your interests from an unbiased perspective.

Extensive experience

We have extensive experience in verifying fixed asset registers.

Less risks

A clean and orderly fixed asset register reduces the company’s exposure to financial, tax and legal risks.

High Success Rate

Troostwijk-Roux Expertises is first and foremost an expert with a large stock of technical knowledge. For FARR, Troostwijk-Roux Expertises therefore uses a different method than e.g., an auditor. First, a physical inventory is drawn up which is then linked to the accounting data (= reconciliation). This approach: FLOOR-TO-BOOK yields a much higher “match score” than would be in the case of BOOK-TO-FLOOR.

Combined services

Due to the presence of knowledge in many areas within our organisation, it is possible to carry out an insurance valuation of buildings and equipment in combination with the FARR.

A reliable partner

Your properties are in safe hands with us. We are one of the most experienced valuation agencies in Belgium.

Other benefits

  • the return on investment (ROI) is improved
  • financial reports will be improved
  • we provide support during mergers and acquisitions
  • floor-to-book with higher success rate

Our approach


After the purpose and reporting format of an assignment have been determined, the financial component and the delivery deadline are discussed. Following approval from the principal, the process is started.

FARR Process stages

  • Kick-off
  • Preparation
  • Physical Inventory
  • Reconciliation
  • Report


Based on your specific request, with accompanying confidential information, we will get to work. We act as your consultative, independent expert.

In consultation with you, we formulate an answer to your specific questions. By doing so, we always deliver tailor-made work and think beyond the most obvious solutions.

All branches

We operate in all business segments: from industry (national and international) and government agencies to healthcare organisations and educational institutions.

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